In today’s trading world samples are more often not used for the following reasons:
It’s most probable that no sample will ever be from the same bottle, batch, consignment, order or shipment. Any sample is easily made up and does not represent a true sample of what will be received in a shipment. A sample can easily be altered and damaged by heat, moisture, humidity during transport, lose some of its oil, protein or moisture content and appearance etc.
No buyer should ever base their decision on a sample. The buyer should base their decision on the irrefutable proof of product (POP) that is provided by the seller’s prime bank where two prime bank officers stake the banks reputation and their personal and professional careers on confirming in writing and by K.T.T. bank to bank that the seller is known to them, owns the product, has shipped the product before and can also deliver the product as per the specifications in the contract. Nothing less should be acceptable to a buyer.
All shipments are checked and inspected at the port of loading by the inspection agency- S.G.S, Veritas or any other elected by the endseller. The specifications of the product in situe are compared with the specifications indicated in the contract and if they do not match exactly the shipment is not passed by the inspection agency and not shipped. Global trade is based on proof of product ‘bank to bank’ by K.T.T. with inspection, verification and certification by a credited Inspection agency and never on a sample basis.